About BC RallyX Championship
In 2022 Interior Rally Sport Association in partnership with The Squamish Brackendale Rally Cross Club ran the first cross club RallyX championship in BC history. (results here) In 2023 one more club joined into the mix – Speedy Goat Motorsport Club. In 2024 we reverted to the original RallyX only format.
The championship kicks off in spring and early summer with five SBRCC events at Pemberton Speedway. In fall and early winter IRSA runs five events at the Thunder Mountain Raceway in Kelowna.
Each event you participate in will give you points based on the results (see the cart below). 7 best results will be added up to make the final score. Note that double header constitute two different races and results.
To participate in the championship, just show up and race in one of the BCRXC events.
You can purchase a special set of door number decals. Anyone who chooses to buy the door stickers will be able to choose their own number and hold onto it for future seasons. If you don’t want to purchase a door sticker, a number will be assigned to you at the time of the event.
At the end of the championship, one driver from each class will be crowned as the BC RallyX Champion. The award ceremony will be held at the end of the last event in Kelowna, BC.
Competitors can participate in as few or as many events as they want/can. Only 7 best results count.
Both venues have their own specific set of rules, so be sure to read through the supplementary regulations to avoid any issues on race day. Check The Squamish Brackendale Rally Cross Club for related details.
As of February 2, 2025, there are three classes in the championship: AWD, RWD and FWD.
If any competitor wishes to compete in two different classes, it must be done at different events. Points will be awarded based on class and not overall points. *A decal reprint fee will be required anytime new decals are requested*
At this time we will not be allowing side by side/UTV class to participate in the championship as the introduction of this class is still in its infancy and competitor numbers are expected to be lower for this class than for others.
Championship Points Breakdown