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RallyCross (RallyX or RX) is an excellent way to get into rallying. It’s like Stage Rally, but on a budget.  There are a few simple things required to enter a Snow or RallyCross and the speeds you’ll encounter are typically less than your average residential street.


How to participate


Check out our Events Page for any upcoming RallyX events.  IRSA hosts multiple events every season, starting from early Summer and going into late Fall. You can find out more about other RX events on the BC RallyX Championship Page.


Registration link will be provided on event page after event registration is open, typically about a month or so in advance.  We do limit entries to 30 people, but car sharing is allowed if you don’t feel like your current ride is up to the challenge.  


The cost is $90 for a full day event.


Additionally to compete you need membership in IRSA or SBRCC and RPM competition licence. Both membership and license can be purchased for one day ( cost $10 each) or for full year. IRSA membership costs $40 (Sign up here) and allows you to participate in IRSA and SBRCC events. RPM competition license costs $25 per year and can be purchased at the event registration. 


Things you'll need


A valid drivers license.  Easy, right?  Make sure you have it with you the day of the event.


A vehicle in good working order.  While Rally/SnowCross doesn’t require all the safety gear that a stage rally car does, you do need a vehicle that is in good working order.  No loose/worn suspension parts, brakes and seat belts in good shape, good tires, battery that is securely fastened and no major fluid leaks. You will need a tarp to put down under your engine compartment while parked and no loose items in your car during the event.  There will be a tech inspection before the event starts to make sure you and your car are ready to go.


A helmet. You will need a helmet when you’re on the course competing. Some people may bring extra helmets to loan out but we do not currently have our own loaner helmets.  The helmets must bear a Snell “M” or “SA” certification and need to have the “2010” or higher after the letters.  Helmets bearing any other certification will not be accepted.  DOT rated helmets are also not accepted.  If you’re not sure if your helmet will work, bring it along and we will check it out for you.


Detailed Information can be found in the events' Supplementary Regulations available on event page.


Here is a sample Sup Reg from an event in the past.


Finally, Race Day! 


Show up at the appointed time at the appointed place! Make sure you have what you need and dress for the weather.  Rally/SnowCross events will run in just about any weather.  Bring any snacks/drinks for the day and, if you have one, a plastic tote to put any loose contents from your car into.  Don’t forget something for under your car's engine compartment.


Get your car checked out:  The tech inspection is where likely one of your fellow Rally Crossers will be checking your car for the above mentioned safety items.  Help them out by having your hood open and your interior empty when they come by.  This will help us get through all the cars quicker and help you get on the course quicker.


Walk the course. You will only get a few runs in depending on the number of entries so its important to know the course.  After tech inspection there will be an opportunity for everyone to walk to course to get a feel for its layout.  The course will be well marked so you don’t you have to memorize it.  Course walk will give you an opportunity to look for tricky spots or areas where you might have trouble. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!  We want everyone to have fun and enjoy the event.


Help out. One of the things that makes events like these possible is volunteers.  Typically, some of the people who you may be competing against are also the people who did the tech inspection, gave you the waiver or perhaps organized the event.  There will be a time period where you will need to help out. It might include helping at the start area, watching for hit markers and resetting them or helping with scoring.


Drive! This one is pretty self explanatory.  The biggest things to keep in mind is be safe, have fun and go faster!



Still Have Questions? Contact IRSA’s RallyCross team here or at or join our Rally Cross Facebook Group.



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